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1 Project
20 Files
1,000 Live Data Event Triggers
Unlimited Collaborators
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Coming soon
Designed to scan medium size code bases with multiple external datasources.
2 Projects
100 Files per project
10k Live Data Event Triggers
Unlimited Collaborators
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Coming soon
Designed to scan large code bases with up to 1,000 files and lots of dependecies.
5 Projects
500 Files per project
100k Live Data Event Triggers
Unlimited Collaborators
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Custom requirements - custom solution. Our enterprise plan will be tailored to your needs.
Unlimited Projects
Unlimited Files
Unlimited Live Data Event Triggers
Unlimited Collaborators
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Frequently Asked Questions

A Project in Vilosia maps to your real-world product or project you are working on. It is the core building block all Platform Features are associated with, like the System Overview and Workflow Analysis.
Files are the source code files you upload to the platform for analyzing its content with the Open AI APIs.
Event Triggers are inserted on demand into your codebase to track the execution of your code and analyze the data flow.
Collaborators are your team members working with you on a Project.